Pirates Snorkeling Yacht Tour from Hurghada with Seafood and BBQ
Ausflüge und Tagestouren

Pirates Snorkeling Yacht Tour from Hurghada with Seafood and BBQ

Kostenlose Stornierung
Sprachen: Englisch, Italienisch, Französisch, Arabisch, Deutsch, Russisch, Holländisch, Polnisch
Digitale Tickets
Dauer: 4 Stunden
  • Enjoy a day of the premier snorkeling
  • Sail aboard the largest boat in the Red sea
  • Discover coral reef with two comprehensive snorkeling stops
  • Enjoy a sea food and grilled lunch menu on board

Being a pirate in the Red Sea is fun. The Red Sea, known for its crystal-clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and stunning marine life, offers you a picturesque setting for such a boat trip. First, you'll get your complimentary pickup from your hotel lobby in Hurghada and surroundings, then head towards the Marina. Step on the pirate's yacht with its unique design and amazing hospitality, Get welcomed aboard by the crew, and keep an eye out for dolphins, who might say hi to you during cruise sailing. Your pirate ship captain will take you out to sea on his sailboat, with two snorkeling stops including kids' and treasure-hunting games on board. You'll enjoy watching the variety of marine life, including hundreds of species of fish, corals, turtles and dolphins. Also expect to encounter colourful fish like parrotfish, angelfish, butterflyfish as well as clownfish. While you emerge into the magical underwater world, the cruise chefs work hard to prepare you a tasty fresh open buffet lunch including shrimp soup, shrimp, fish, chicken on the grill, kofta on the grill and calamari plus rice, potatoes in sauce, in addition to four freshly salads and bread. You can also enjoy refreshing water and cold soft drinks during the whole trip. Continue sailing to the second snorkeling stop. Your expert snorkeling guides will lead you around the coral reefs. Once the cruise is over, you will be dropped off back at your hotel.

Mehr erfahren
  • check Boat trip
  • check Buffet lunch
  • check Soft drinks
  • check Snorkeling equipment ( mask, fins and life jacket)
  • check Führung
  • check Transfer in klimatisiertem Fahrzeug
  • check Hotel Hin- und Rücktransfer
  • check Versicherung
Nicht inbegriffen
  • x_not_included Environmental fees ( around EUR 5 per person)
  • x_not_included Handtücher
Hotel pick-up service is included from your hotel lobby. The morning trip starts at 09:00 am, so you will be picked up from your hotel between 07:30 - 08:30 am, depending on your hotel location. The evening trip starts at 14:00 pm, so you will get picked up from your hotel between 12:30 - 13:30 pm depending on your hotel location.
Wichtige Informationen

Know in advance:

  • Infant age up to 2 years is free, but have to sit on their parent's lap
  • Please confirm your pickup time and location with the local operator prior to the tour. You will find the contact details on the voucher after booking
  • The Cruise departs from the harbour at 9 am and 14 pm
  • The tour is available in several languages. If the minimum number of participants is not reached or the relevant languages are not available, an English-speaking guide will be the alternative
  • Tour duration and pickup time are simply guidelines subject to change due to operational conditions and your hotel location

Remember to bring:

  • Please keep your passport with you during this tour, don’t leave it in your hotel room as they may request to see your passport and visa
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes and bring your swimsuit, towels, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, scarf, camera, and money for tipping and environmental fees
Mehr erfahren
Travco Group for Tourism
Es fallen keine zusätzlichen Gebühren im Falle einer Buchung an.
Sie erhalten eine Erstattung in Höhe von 100%, wenn Sie bis zu 24 Stunden vor Ihrem Erlebnis stornieren.

Was andere Leute über dieses Erlebnis sagen


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