The most beautiful churches in Hamburg private walking tour

The most beautiful churches in Hamburg private walking tour

Cancellazione gratuita
Lingua: Inglese, Italiano, Francese, Spagnolo, Tedesco, Russo
Voucher sul cellulare accettato
Durata: 3 ore
Cosa farai
  • Explore Hamburg Old Town and see the 4 outstanding churches with a 5-Stars Private Guide
  • Admire the beauty of St Peter’s, St Catherine's, and St Michaels
  • Discover the ruins of St Nicholas Church and hear about the bombings of Hamburg
  • Enjoy the spectacular view of the city from the tower viewing platform of St Michaels or St Nicholas
  • Enjoy a private tour adjusted to your tempo and preferences
Cosa aspettarsi

This tour covers the best highlights of Hamburg's Old Town. You will meet with your guide in front of the aesthetical Town Hall on the market square. St Peter’s Church is only a couple of steps away. This red brick Gothic church is the oldest parish church in Hamburg, dating back to 1195. You will be amazed by the beautiful stained-glass windows and spectacular paintings inside. You will then visit the St Nicholas Memorial. The church was almost completely destroyed during the Operation “Gomorrah.” The remaining ruins serve as a memorial to the horrors of the war, but even from the ruins, you can still imagine what a majestic structure it used to be. In the 19th century, for a short time, it was the world’s tallest building & you can use the elevator to get on top of the remaining spiral tower for some amazing views of the city. Alternatively, you can choose to visit the tower of St Michaels, which will be the last stop of this tour. Before St Michaels, however, you will stop at St Catherine’s Church. The church is an unmissable landmark of Hamburg's skyline due to its high bell tower. It’s a lovely building with simplistic interiors: whitewashed walls, brick floors and a historic timber organ that J.S. Bach played during his stay in Hamburg. St Michaels, on the other hand, is known for its rich interior architecture and luxurious decorations. You can use the elevator to reach the top of its baroque copper-covered spire for the breathtaking panoramic view of all of Hamburg.

Leggi tutto
Cosa è incluso
  • check Entry to St Peter’s, St Catherine's, and St Michael's
  • check Entry to St Michael's or St Nicholas' tower
  • check Biglietti d'ingresso
  • check Tour privato

Heinrich-Heine-Denkmal, 20095 Hamburg, Germany

Punto d'incontro:
Meet your guide in front of the Heinrich-Heine monument.
Da ricordare

Know in advance:

  • Please check your email the day before the tour to receive important information
  • You can choose to enter the tower viewing platform of St Michaels OR St Nicholas
  • Please note that due to Sunday and holiday masses in churches, the sightseeing inside may be limited
Leggi tutto
Commissioni di prenotazione
Buone notizie! Non sono applicate commissioni di servizio a questa prenotazione.
Politiche di cancellazione
Ricevi un rimborso del 100% annullando la prenotazione fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'attività.

Cosa dicono le persone di quest'esperienza


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