Romantic night canal cruise in Amsterdam
Attività in città

Romantic night canal cruise in Amsterdam

Cancellazione gratuita
Lingua: Inglese, Spagnolo, Olandese
Voucher sul cellulare accettato
Durata: fino a 50 minuti
Cosa farai
  • Take in the beauty of Amsterdam from the water
  • Listen to a special selection of romantic stories in the gentle silence of the night
  • See just how tight it can get in the labyrinth of canals.
Cosa aspettarsi

On this Amsterdam night canal tour, you will enjoy a cruise through an intimate landscape! Picture yourself in Amsterdam when the night has fallen. All the bridges light up and you and your loved one sit closely together with a glistening glass of prosecco in your hand aboard a cozy heated boat.

On the small, comfortable, and quiet electric boat you will feel like you are the only ones cruising the Amsterdam canals. Nestle under warm blankets and drift past the impressive 17th-century canal houses, underneath the famous Amsterdam bridges, and see how the locals live in their houseboats.

While you listen to the sound of the rippling water, your private captain and guide will share heartwarming stories. You will connect with long-forgotten Amsterdam legends and tales of love and learn fascinating details about the streets and architecture of this unique city.

Leggi tutto
Cosa è incluso
  • check Expert Romantic tour guide and skipper
  • check A small bottle of prosecco
  • check Local cheese, grapes, and crackers
  • check Water
  • check Blankets and heated seats

Herengracht 124, 1015 BT Amsterdam

Punto d'incontro:
At the small docking spot, look for a small white boat with a blue top. Please arrive 10 minutes before the beginning of the tour.
Da ricordare
  • Your experience takes place on a small electric boat with a retractable roof and windows. In spring/summer and with nice weather, the boat is open. In autumn/winter or bad weather, the boat can be fully covered
  • Please dress according to the weather
Leggi tutto
Romantic Tour Amsterdam
Commissioni di prenotazione
Buone notizie! Non sono applicate commissioni di servizio a questa prenotazione.
Politiche di cancellazione
Ricevi un rimborso del 100% annullando la prenotazione fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'attività.

Cosa dicono le persone di quest'esperienza


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