Hong Island speedboat tour from Krabi with lunch
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Hong Island speedboat tour from Krabi with lunch

Cancellazione gratuita
Lingua: Inglese
Voucher sul cellulare accettato
Durata: Flessibile
Cosa farai
  • Enjoy snorkel at Daeng Island, a rock island on the way to Koh Hong
  • Swim at Lading Island
  • Take a photo of the impressive sandbar at Pakbia and Rai Island
  • Cruise into the “secret” Hong Lagoon
Cosa aspettarsi

Visit the four superb islands of the Koh Hong group on the Krabi coastline by speed boat. Explore the “secret” inner lagoon of Hong Island, Koh Lading, with its sheltered cove that was once used by birds’ nest collectors, and Koh Pakbia, which boasts impressive sandbanks and rock formations. Get a picked hotel in Ao Nang, Krabi Town, Klong Muang, and Tubkaek, or by speed boat if you stay at Railay Beach. Meet the boat crew of Sea Eagle at Nopparat Thara Pier and start the trip with a cruise to the four superb islands of the Hong Island group. Set against the spectacular backdrop of Phang Nga Bay, with its countless rocky outcrops, the islands are rightly considered to be among the most beautiful in Krabi province. The tour will include at least two pretty decent snorkeling stops of 40 minutes each, at Koh Daeng, a rock island on the way to Koh Hong, and the second in Lading Bay. You will then continue to Pakbia and Rai Island for taking photos and have a swim at the impressive sandbars revealed at low tide.

The next stop will be at the main island itself. The half-circle-shaped Hong Island is uninhabited, except for the birds, white-faced gibbons, and giant monitor lizards that can be often spotted on the main white sand beach. Enjoy a delicious lunch including seasonal fruits and refreshments at the magnificent twin bays of Koh Hong. You will have plenty of time to take in the beauty of this superb island. Its interior is home to a large lagoon, where you can find yourself at one with nature. The entrance to the lagoon is through a dramatic cliff passage that should be photographed on your way out.

Cruise back to the pier in Ao Nang where you will be directed to your shuttle driver for returns to your accommodation in Krabi.


08:00 - 09:00: Hotel pickup in Krabi
09:00 - 09:30: Depart from Nopparat Thara Pier
09:30 - 10:20: Snorkel at Daeng Island
10:20 - 10:40: Continue to Lading Island for swimming and snorkeling
10:40 - 11:20: Stop at Pakbia and Rai Island for taking photos of the sandbar
11:20 - 12:00: Cruise into the “secret” Hong Lagoon
12:00 - 12:30: Enjoy lunch at the beach of Hong Island
12:30 - 14:00: Free time for snorkeling, swimming and sunbathing
14:00 - 15:00: Head back to Nopparat Thara Pier and transfer back to your hotel

The tour program is subject to change due to weather and sea conditions

Leggi tutto
Cosa è incluso
  • check Seasonal fruit
  • check Snorkeling equipment
  • check Life jacket
  • check Basic accident insurance during the tour
  • check Speedboat cost
  • check Pranzo
  • check Tour guidato
  • check Acqua
  • check Servizio di transfer da/per l'hotel
Cosa non è incluso
  • x_not_included National Park entrance fee of 300 THB per adult and 150 THB per child
Punto d'incontro:
Pickup from your hotel in Ao Nang, Krabi Town, Ao Nam Mao, Klong Muang and Tubkaek Beach, or by speed boat if you stay at Railay Beach. You will indicate your pickup location at checkout and confirm your pickup time and location directly with the local operator whose contact information can be found in the voucher after booking.
Da ricordare
  • Not suitable
  • This tour is not recommended for infants 0-2 years old, pregnant women, or people with back or neck problems

Extra fees to be paid on-site

  • There is an entrance fee for 'Hat Noppharat Thara – Mu Ko Phi Phi National Park' of 200 THB per adult and 100 THB per child to be paid in cash on the day of trip

Know in advance

  • Speed boats carry passengers as close to the beach as they can
  • There is a minimum of 7 people required to run this tour. On the rare occasion that we should be required to cancel a tour, we will inform you in advance and offer a different tour date, an alternative tour or provide a full refund
  • While the monsoon season (roughly May to October) brings increased jellyfish sightings due to water movement, these graceful creatures can appear year-round in the Andaman Sea. To ensure a safe and enjoyable swim, consider asking your tour guide
  • It strongly recommends wearing a life jacket throughout the entire boat ride to the islands and while snorkeling

Remember to bring

  • Please wear flip-flops in case there are shells or rocks on the sand and shorts rather than pants as the water level may be above the knees when hopping off/on the boat
  • Please bring a towel, waterproof bag, swimwear, sunscreen, sun hat, sunglasses, flip-flops, and a camera
Leggi tutto
Sean Eagle Tour
Commissioni di prenotazione
Buone notizie! Non sono applicate commissioni di servizio a questa prenotazione.
Politiche di cancellazione
Ricevi un rimborso del 100% annullando la prenotazione fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'attività.

Cosa dicono le persone di quest'esperienza


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