Chateau de Vincennes admission ticket with audio tour on mobile app

Chateau de Vincennes admission ticket with audio tour on mobile app

Lingua: Inglese
Voucher sul cellulare accettato
Durata: 1 ora 30 minuti
Cosa farai
  • Become an expert in constructing castles and defending them from enemies
  • See the terrific views from the parapet, where guards once stood watch
  • Visit an authentic medieval castle, from the top of the battlements to the dungeons down below
  • Discover how medieval builders constructed such fantastic buildings....using simple tools
Cosa aspettarsi

Visit an authentic medieval castle built from 1360-1410. Located only 20 minutes from central Paris, the castle is easily accessible by metro. Come this audio-guided tour to learn about the medieval castle — its construction, its features, its defenses. Take the drawbridge, over the moat and enter through the main tower.

Reach the keep and its residential area. Make the rounds on the wooden terrace which commands views for miles around. We will climb a dizzying spiral staircase to the top of the castle and see the battlements with its bell tower, just like the solders who once guarded the castle. Then, descend into the dungeons and kitchens. Your audio-guide will provide the historical context to help you learn abut life in the Middle Ages!

Leggi tutto
Cosa è incluso
  • check Entrance ticket to Chateau de Vincennes
  • check Downloadable multimedia audio tour on the WeGoTrip app (in English)
  • check Step-by-step navigation through museum halls
  • check Offline functionality, audio narration, and written text explanations
Cosa non è incluso
  • x_not_included Headphones — you should bring your own
  • x_not_included Personal guide — you will get the tour on the mobile app

12 Avenue de Paris, Vincennes, France

Punto d'incontro:
Start the tour at the exit of the metro station Chateau de Vincennes (line 1).
Da ricordare

Know in advance:

  • Information for tourists planning museum visits in Paris during the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games (26 July to 9 September 2024). Enhanced identity checks will be implemented during this period. Access points may differ from usual. Check the official website for the most current information before your visit
  • Important: Please present tickets with bar code directly from the WeGoTrip app, not the one on your voucher
  • At the chateau: show your smartphone ticket at the ticket holders' line
  • To access the audio-guided tour, you will have to download the App on your phone
  • After booking, you will receive an SMS with a direct download link for the app and audio-guide
  • This is a self-guided tour, there is no tour guide that meets you at the start location
  • Sainte Chapelle is closed between 1pm and 2pm
Leggi tutto
Commissioni di prenotazione
Buone notizie! Non sono applicate commissioni di servizio a questa prenotazione.
Politiche di cancellazione
Purtroppo non possiamo offrirti un rimborso né modifiche o cancellazioni per questo prodotto a causa dei termini del nostro partner.

Cosa dicono le persone di quest'esperienza


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