Trail of independence exploration game in Tel Aviv

Trail of independence exploration game in Tel Aviv

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Taal: Engels
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Duur: 2 uur
  • Explore The Hall of Independence, The Great Synagogue, and King Albert Square
  • Discover Tel Aviv’s amazing origin story and how seashells fit into the puzzle
  • Meet the first “sheriff” of the city
  • Try a new type of experience, the perfect mix between a tour, an outdoor escape game, and a treasure hunt
Dit kun je verwachten

Discover Tel Aviv’s historic locations by following clues and solving puzzles on your phone which lead to new places and amazing stories.

Play this engaging exploration game, reenacting the role of a spy recruited by an international counter-intelligence agency to uncover enemy information about a potential attack.

Start the game at The Mosaic Fountain. It will take you between 2 to 3 hours to complete and you can also explore at your own pace, pause the game and resume anytime from the location where you paused it. You will finish at White City Mark.

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Dit is inbegrepen
  • check A city exploration game available on your phone (app)

Rothschild Blvd 1, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

  • After your booking, you will receive an email with instructions on how to download and play the game on your phone
  • You must download the app and create an account, using the same email you made the purchase with
  • You can play on your own, in a large group, or in several smaller groups that compete against each other and meet at the final stop of the game
  • It is recommended that each user purchases a ticket for an optimal experience, although several people can share a phone
  • Entrance tickets to the attractions are not included as they are not required to complete the game
  • You can play offline
  • Remember to have a fully charged phone
  • You can start the game at any time
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Goed nieuws! Er zijn geen extra kosten aan deze boeking verbonden
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