Escape Tour self-guided, interactive city challenge Frankfurt am Main

Escape Tour self-guided, interactive city challenge Frankfurt am Main

Language: English, Dutch
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: 2 hours
Do this because
  • Discover Frankfurt in a unique way using an app
  • Find the secret escape from the city in teams of 2-4 people
  • Look for clues, solve puzzles and complete the tasks
  • Finish first for a chance to end up on the Wall of Fame !
What to expect

Travel to 1975 to step in the shoes of Johann Georg Lahner. Johann was a butcher student and just started his internship with the best butcher in Frankfurt. The sausage of this butcher was the best one he ever tasted and Johann was determined to learn the secret. This got him into trouble and Johann had to flee the city using the secret passage out of Frankfurt. Can you help him find it?

The ingredients of the sausage were a well-kept secret but Johann wanted to know the secret so badly he tried to steal the recipe. It didn't work and so he came up with another plan and succeeded! But the butcher found out and was furious. Johann had to flee the city immediately because the butcher had drummed up all his friends and family to find Johann. The only option was to use the secret escape out of Frankfurt.

Wander through Frankfurt and help Johann by trying to solve the assignments, difficult questions and fun riddles. You will play the Escape Tour using an app you'll download before starting the race against the clock. Follow the clues, solve the puzzles to escape the city within 2 hours. The escape attempt starts on the Operaplatz. Good luck!

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What's included
  • check App-guided escape game tour
What's not included
  • x_not_included In-person guide
  • Frankfurt am Main center, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Meeting point:
Start your tour at Operaplatz.
What to remember
  • Upon checkout choose for either a Dutch or English version of the Escape Tour
  • A ticket is suited for 2 to 4 persons
  • With a group of more than 4 persons, it is recommended to buy more than one ticket and battle against each other
  • Don't forget to download the app before the tour starts
  • Scan the QR-code on the booking voucher to receive an explanation of the game, instructions and log in details
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Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Unfortunately, we can't offer you a refund nor can we change or cancel your booking for this particular product, due to our partner's policy.

What people say about this experience


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