Culinary tour through Bad Cannstatt with guide

Culinary tour through Bad Cannstatt with guide

Free cancellation
Language: German
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
Do this because
  • Experience Bad Cannstatt, the oldest district of Stuttgart, with all your senses
  • Taste Swabian specialties like yeast plait or Maultaschen
  • Hear exciting anecdotes from your guide
  • Learn background information about the rich history of the city
What to expect

Enjoy a guided city tour in Bad Cannstatt with culinary and historical delicacies!

Get to know the oldest district of Stuttgart in a different way on this culinary tour: During an entertaining city tour, Swabian specialties such as the yeast plait or the Maultasche will be served to your hand. You will stop at various stations and hear exciting anecdotes and background information about the rich history of the city from your guide.

Experience Bad Cannstatt with all your senses!

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What's included
  • check Champagne reception
  • check Culinary city tour with guide
  • check 7 culinary delicacies
  • check 2 non-alcoholic aperitives and 1 schnapps

Brückenstraße 8, 70376 Stuttgart, Germany

Meeting point:
Meet your guide in the inner courtyard from Rellingssekt.
What to remember
  • In the rare event that the minimum number of participants (10 people) is not reached, you will be notified at least 2 days before the tour and will, of course, receive a full refund or you can choose a new date. Please insert your contact details at checkout
  • The tour takes place in any weather condition
  • Please note that this tour is not suitable for vegans. Vegetarians will not be able to try the food at two stations (in total, there will be seven different stations)
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Cool-Tours StattReisen
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 90 days before the experience begins. If you cancel up to 60 days before, you can still receive a 80% refund. If you cancel up to 30 days before, you can still receive a 60% refund. If you cancel up to 15 days before, you can still receive a 40% refund. If you cancel up to 8 days before, you can still receive a 20% refund. If you cancel up to 1 day before, you can still receive a 10% refund.

What people say about this experience


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